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"But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God." Luke 18:16


We know that your little ones are precious not only in your sight, but in the eyes of our Lord as well.  Therefore, we strive to ensure that your children are cared for in a secure, safe, and loving environment here at FPC.


When you arrive on Sunday mornings, you will be greeted by one of our volunteers at the door.  If you would like to take advantage of our fully-staffed nursery, please let the greeter know and he or she will escort you to the nursery.  At the check-in booth, you can inform our staff of any special needs your child has and leave your contact number so that you may be contacted during Sunday School or worship.


Each of our nursery workers has been specially selected, trained, and has passed a background check. Nursery is available for newborns up to age 3.  Even our babies are actively engaged during the Sunday School hour with opportunities to hear Bible lessons and learn songs, all with the goal of teaching them that the Bible is a special book and that Jesus is a mighty Savior.


For more information about our nursery ministry, please contact our Nursery Coordinator, Janet Burnett.

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